Tag: los padres national forest

  • Condor Call February/March 2013

    Condor Call February/March 2013

    Cuyama Peak Lookout, 1934–2012 The current issue of the Sierra Club’s Condor Call carries a short article about the Cuyama Peak Lookout tower I wrote for the regular “Soaring the Los Padres” column. Every other month, this column details the great work being done by the Condor Trail Association and some of the features along…

  • Old School Signage: The Graveyard

    Old School Signage: The Graveyard

    Welcome to the Mother Lode On a clear Santa Barbara day this past week, a band of VWRs assembled along the banks of the Santa Ynez for a day’s training and camaraderie. Over the course of the day, DAW-G, ZK, Bardlero Primero and I stopped a few times at the “Graveyard,” a storage area for…

  • “Is This Thing On?”

    “Is This Thing On?”

    Brace Yourself … With a big thanks to Perry in the Morning, I recently received the aircheck from the KVTA Talk Radio appearance Rick Bisaccia from the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy and I made July 2, 2012. For those who care to listen to two bearded wilderness knuckleheads embarrass themselves on the air … have…

  • Lookout! Thorn Point, Redux

    Lookout! Thorn Point, Redux

    After a fine day of bouldering and general forest revelry atop Pine Mountain with Troop 201, the uber-hund and I parted ways with the lady mountaineers and headed into Grade Valley.