Category: Uncategorized
Segue: Kings Canyon
No “Might”s about It … This past Spring Break, whilst his big sister was touring Philadelphia, Colonial Williamsburg, and Washington DC, Trailmaster Cobra was eager for his own “big trip.” Having recently lost my job and with the missus synched to the school’s schedule, it was that rare week where we actually had. The. Time.…
Murietta Mosey
How One McDoofus Move Can Change Your Entire St. Patrick’s Day: A Cautionary Tale Over the years, the RSO and I have made a habit of taking a half-day hike somewhere on the LPNF on St. Patrick’s Day. (See “Now is the Spring of Our Discontent” for St. Paddy’s 2011.) The trick to these sojourns…
Diamond in the Rough: Three Pines
“Went to the shelf and dusted off the [six-eight]!” It’s been a long while since I’ve gone on walk-about specifically to root out a diamond in the rough. They’ve long been a staple of things here in the dungeons of maptitude, but there are so many bits of history, so many corners untouched in this…
Kennedy Ridge and the East Camino Cielo, Redux
“Who is the man coming down your block?” Much time has been spent poking around the Kennedy Ridge and East Camino Cielo routes of late, and I’m happy to report another recent Sunday during which we enjoyed yet more idle exploratory above the bustling metropolis of Ojai. Joining the RSO and me for a rare…