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Dungeons of Maptitude Review No. 2: Conant’s 2008 Matilija & Dick Smith Wilderness
A Map from a Man in the Arena I first spotted the Conant map for the Matilija & Dick Smith Wilderness areas at Real Cheap Sports in Ventura. I’m pretty sure my initial response was “what the hell?” I’d heard of the guy, of course: a fellow wanderer of the backwood who surrounded himself with…
Dungeons of Maptitude Review No. 1: Harrison’s 2012 Sespe Wilderness
For those who tread the Sespe Wilderness and its immediate environs with any frequency, the Harrison map is (or should be) your go-to “old reliable.”
Old School Signage: Santa Paula Canyon
1928. The caption on the verso reads “Signs mutilated by shoooting, 1928. 72 dents”
Old School Signage: Roblar | La Carpa | Sespe Gorge | Cuyama
Along the road heading in to Potrero Seco guard station; image courtesy the LPNF Archives.
Join Us! Kennedy Ridge Hike, April 7 2012
As part of the Wild About Ojai adventure series, Ojai Valley Land Conservancy Preserve Manager Rick Bisaccia and I will be leading a hike up the fairly short but somewhat steep Kennedy Ridge Trail on Saturday, April 7.