Category: Uncategorized
Condor Call August/September 2012
The new issue of the Sierra Club’s Condor Call carries a short piece I wrote for the “Soaring the Los Padres” column. The article details the history of the Reyes Peak Lookout; check it out here (see page 9). Image courtesy the Los Padres Expat
Lookout! Thorn Point, Redux
After a fine day of bouldering and general forest revelry atop Pine Mountain with Troop 201, the uber-hund and I parted ways with the lady mountaineers and headed into Grade Valley.
Lookouts in the Forest(Watch)
I recently contributed a short piece about the lookouts of the southern Los Padres to the ForestWatch newsletter’s “Backcountry Journal” feature. Those interested can read it here.
“Literary Gumbo” Appearance
Sometimes the wilderness doesn’t present enough danger and/or excitement, and so a brother needs to brave elements of society. I did just that last week, roaming the streets of Santa Barbara (I even found a nice survey monument from 1917), and then stopped by the studios for a chat with “Literary Gumbo” host Fred Klein.…
Condor Call June/July 2012 + Errata
The new issue of the Sierra Club’s Condor Call carries a short piece I wrote for the “Soaring the Los Padres” column, detailing the history of Madulce Cabin. Check it out here (see page 5). Errata/Ed. Note: I did not write the photo caption (you can tell because it uses the word “literally”), and certainly…